Cancer is the most deadly disease in the United States.In developing countries such as China, cancer is increasingly prevalent as a cause of death.The “war against cancer” that was initially declared in the United States has become a global war that requires an alliance of world-wide cancer researchers.As part of such an effort, the Second Guangzhou International Symposium on Oncology was held on May 20-22, 2011, in Guangzhou, China.
Cancer is the most deadly disease in the United States. In developing countries such as China, cancer is increasingly prevalent as a cause of death. The "war against cancer" that was initially declared in the United States has become a global war that requires an alliance of world-wide cancer researchers. As part of such an effort, the Second Guangzhou International Symposium on Oncology was held on May 20-22, 2011, in Guangzhou, China.
Chao-Nan Qian 1,2 and Wei Zhang 31 Laboratory of Cancer and Developmental Cell Biology,Van Andel Research Institute,Grand Rapids,MI 49503,USA
2 State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China,Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510060,P.R.China
3 Department of Pathology,University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,Huston,TX 77030,USA.