

A New Research Perspective of Influencing Factors on Applicants' Justice Perceptions
摘要 公平知觉是指应聘者对甄选过程中人员选拔公平性的感知。在组织公平框架下,影响应聘者公平知觉的因素主要有:选拔之前准备性活动、提供的相关信息和材料,测验的方式类型以及施测的手段、内容,选拔之后的结果等。公平期望是应聘者对将要参加的选拔的公平性的预期。公平期望与公平知觉之间呈显著正相关,同时公平期望在选拔前就已经存在,这为提高应聘者的公平知觉提供了一个早期干预的机会。 Justice perceptions are defined as applicants justice perceptions about the personnel selection. Crit- ical influencing factors on applicants'justice perceptions in the organizational justice theoretical framework include preparations before the selection, the presentation of relevant information and materials, the content, style and ad- ministration method of selective tests, and selective decision, etc. On the other hand, justice expectations are ap- plicants'expectations for the forthcoming personnel selection. In the first place, justice expectations are positively correlated with justice perceptions. Simultaneously, it is effective to enable higher applicants" justice perceptions through improving their justice expectations at an early stage of the selection process.
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期65-69,共5页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20060390541)
关键词 应聘者 公平知觉 公平期望 applicants justice perceptions justice expectations
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