
美国非裔文学的宗教主题及其功能 被引量:3

Religious theme in African-American literature and its functions
摘要 为了发掘美国非裔文学的宗教传统,从历时视角对美国非裔文学中的宗教现象进行了梳理。结果表明,美国非裔文学带有明显的宗教传统。宗教已经成为美国非裔群体自我救赎的策略自觉。宗教至少从三个层面刻画了美国非裔群体生活和文化:生存、提升和解放。 In order to dig up the religious tradition in African-American literature,a thorough study was made diachronically of the literature's religious phenomena.Results show that African-American literature has distinc-tive religious characteristics.Religion has strategically become their way of conscious self-salvation.In particu-lar,it depicts African American's life and culture on at least three levels: survival,elevation and liberation.
作者 许玉军
出处 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期183-187,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 宗教 美国非裔文学 美国非裔文化 功能 religion African-American literature African-American culture function
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