目的 研究部队在体能极限训练时足部汗疱疹的特点 ,为武警部队卫勤保障取得经验。方法 观察 94 6例参加国庆阅兵训练的武警官兵在持续高温、连续大运动量训练条件下足部汗疱疹的发病规律 ,并开展治疗及预防 ,对结果进行对比分析。结果 阅兵部队足部汗疱疹发病率为 1 1 .9%,显著高于当地驻军部队 ;给予药物预防治疗后 ,发病率降为 5 .4 %,显著降低了发病率 ;阅兵部队经药物预防治疗后 ,其发病率与患病率较驻军部队无显著性差异。结论 高温多汗、长时间步行为足部汗疱疹的主要发病原因 ;
Objective To explore the prevention and control of pompholyx on feet in armedpolice forces after exercise in high ambient temperature. Methods The mobidity of pompholyx on feet was analysed for 946 armed policemen who had exercised in high ambient temperature . They were treated with drug fohically and compared with control group for morbidity of pompholyx on feet. Results The morbidity of pompholyx on feet in armed policemen was 11.9%,markedly higter than that in control group. After treatment with drug externally, the morbidity of pompholyx on feet decreased to 5.4%, markedly tower than that in control group. The morbidity and prevalence of pompholyx on feet in group other armed policeman treated with drug. were not significantly different from those in the after general military exercise. Conclusions High temferature and hyperhidrosis are pathogenicfactors of pomplolyx. The drug for external application can prevent and control the pomplolyx on feet.
Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
Military exercise under high temperature Pompholyx Prevention and control