
新型轻轨列车轮轨接触的数值分析 被引量:1

Numerical Contact Analysis of a New Wheel-tract System
摘要 对于采用钢套橡胶轮的新型轻轨列车,其轮轨之间的力学行为有别于钢轮-钢轨、汽车轮胎-地面的力学行为。运用Ansys有限元程序,采用柔-刚面接触单元,模拟新型车轮与刚性钢轨之间的接触问题,分析轮缘橡胶的变形规律,建立橡胶变形与作用荷载之间的函数关系。引入等效刚度系数,将轮缘橡胶等效为三向弹簧,简化新型轻轨列车系统的力学模型。 The mechanical behavior of wheel-tract system in the new light train with rubber felloe is different to that with steel wheels. Also, it is not the same with the mechanical behavior of wheel-ground system of vehicle. Numerical analysis has been conducted to study the mechanical behavior of the new wheel-tract system based on a parameterized rigid-flexible wheel-rail contact model. Deformations of three dimensions of the wheel have been obtained. An equivalent stiffness is introduced to reflect the relationship between the rubber deformation and load. Through this equivalent stiffness, the mechanical model of wheel-tract system in the new light train with rubber wheels can is simplified by treated the rubber wheel as a tri-axial spring.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2011年第23期5723-5726,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50378040)资助
关键词 钢套橡胶轮 轨道 接触 wheel with rubber felloe tract contact
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