目的 探讨超声诊断胎儿软骨发育不全的声像图特征和临床意义。方法 从近3万名孕期超声检查的孕妇中检出胎儿软骨发育不全6例。结果 胎儿四肢长骨粗短, 胸廓呈古钟状, 头颅增大, 腹部膨隆是胎儿软骨发育不全的主要声像图表现。
Objective To discuss the feature of the ultrasonic image and the clinical value of this test way. Methods Six cases of hypoplastic cartilage from 30 thousand fetus were detected. Results Shortened and widened long bone in four limbs, bell shape in chest, enlarged head and inflated abdomen are the main features of the ultrasonic image. Conclusion Ultrasound is superior to other methods in diagnosing fetus' hypoplastic cartilage.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography