目的探讨X线照射对Hela细胞TP酶的影响,为宫颈腺癌的治疗提供新的实验依据。方法宫颈腺癌Hela细胞体外培养,经2Gy、4Gy、6Gy放射线照射后第1天、第3天、第5天、第7天、第9天收集细胞,未经照射作为对照组,采用ELISA及RT-PCR的方法对照射前后TP酶的表达进行测定。结果 Hela细胞X线照射后,与对照组相比,2Gy、4Gy、6Gy三个放射组的TP酶蛋白水平均有明显提高,放射后第3天都升高达高峰,差别有统计学意义(P<0.01)。放射后Hela细胞TP酶的mRNA表达,在照射后第3天迅速升高达到高峰,明显高于未经照射的对照组(P<0.05)。其升高时间与ELISA测定的TP酶蛋白水平的变化情况基本相吻合。结论子宫颈腺癌Hela细胞经放射线照射后TP酶蛋白水平和TP酶mRNA表达均得到了提高,为放化疗联合治疗宫颈腺癌提供新的实验依据。
Objective To investigate the influence of X-ray irradiation on the thymidine phosphorylase(TP) on HeLa cell,according to the combination therapy with capecitabine(CAP) and X-ray irradiation on cervical adenocarcinoma.Methods HeLa cells were treated with X-ray at different dosage(0Gy,2Gy,4Gy,6Gy) in vitro,the control group was 0 Gy group and were collected on day 1 day 3 day 5day 7day 9.the expression of TP protein was deteceted by the ELISA and TPmRNA were measured by the RT-PCR.Results Expression of TP protein increased by X-ray irradiation were maximally increased on day3 as compared with that in the control group was obviously different from control group(P0.01)TPmRNA level maximally increased by X-ray irradiation on as compared with that in the control group was significantly different from control group﹙P0.05)TPmRNA increased in concordance with the change of TP protein.Conclusion The expression of TP protein and TPmRNA X-ray irradiation were maximally increased.It is expected therapy combinating capecitabine(CAP) with X-ray irradiation in cervical adenocarcinoma.
Contemporary Medicine