
美国经济崛起时期自主创新的成功经验与启示 被引量:12

Successful Experience of Autonomous Innovation in the Period of American Economic Rise and Its Implications
摘要 美国在19世纪末和20世纪初的经济崛起是在高关税保护、排斥外国直接投资和内向型经济的条件下实现的。美国的"闭关锁国"政策之所以铸就了自主创新的辉煌,主要归功于四个重要的因素:扶植和保护民族产业的基本国策;以收入均等化为特征的广阔国内市场规模;以内部改善、装备制造业的关键性作用和农业创新体系等为特点的国家创新体系;以新技术经济范式和战略性新兴产业为核心的组织创新。自主创新是我国的基本国策,内需为主导的经济发展新模式是我国转变经济发展方式的核心所在,美国在经济崛起时期自主创新的成功经验给我们提供了重要的历史借鉴。 The economic rise of the United States was realized by means of high tariff protection, exclusion of foreign direct investment, and inward-looking economy. The reason why the American seclusion policy could successfully foster the glories of autonomous innovation was at- tributed to four important factors. They are listed as follows: the basic national policy that supported and protected national industry; the large scale domestic market with a distinguishing feature of equal income; the national innovation system characterized by the key functions of interior perfection, equipment of manufacturing industry; and agricultural innovation system; and organizational innovation concentrated on an economic paradigm of new technological economy and strategic emerging industry. Autonomous innovation is also China's basic national policy. The essential aspect of reform on our economic development mode lies in the new economic development model led by domestic demands. The successful experience of autonomous innovation of the United States during the period of economic rise offers important historical implications for us.
作者 贾根良
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期53-60,共8页 Teaching and Research
基金 中国人民大学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)"新经济思想史研究"(项目编号:10XNJ015)的项目成果
关键词 自主创新 美国经济崛起 国内市场规模 战略性新兴产业 autonomous innovation American economic rise the scale of domestic market strategic emerging industry
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