
基于涡流发生器和Gurney襟翼的翼型绕流流动控制试验研究 被引量:5

Experimental Research on Control Flow over Airfoil Based on Vortex Generator and Gurney Flap
摘要 为了研究翼型扰流流动控制,设计了一种三角形涡流发生器(VG)和两种Gurney襟翼,通过Gurney襟翼与VG组合布局的方式进行风洞试验,对比了干净翼、干净翼加Gurney襟翼、干净翼加VG及干净翼加Gurney襟翼和VG这4种状态下的试验结果。试验结果表明:安装Gurney襟翼对翼型线性段升力在同一迎角下有明显提高,同时伴随一定的阻力增加;安装VG后翼型失速段特性得到极大改善,阻力大幅下降;安装Gurney襟翼和VG后在线性段和失速段翼型的升力都得到改善,阻力在线性段呈增加态势,在失速段呈减小态势,Gurney襟翼与VG组合作用下能够成功实现对翼型升力的全面提高,是一种理想的组合控制方式。 In order to carry out an experimental investigation on control of flow over airfoil,two forms of the Gurney flaps and one form of the vortex generator(VG) are designed and wind tunnel test is carried out combining the Gurney flaps and VG.Comparative study is performed for different scenarios such as clean airfoil,clean airfoil with Gurney flap,clean airfoil with VG and clean airfoil with both Gurney flap and VG.The results show that the lift at linear regime with the same angle of attack is greatly increased by using a Gurney flap,and the drag increases;the stall performance is remarkably improved by using VG,and the drag decreases a lot;the lifts at both linear and stall regimes are improved by using combined Gurney flap and VG,and drag is slightly increased at linear regime and greatly reduced at stall regime.In a word,the proper combination of Gurney flap and VG can result in remarkable improvement of aerodynamic performance of an airfoil,and it is an ideal combinational control style.
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1429-1434,共6页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家"863"计划(2007AA05Z448)~~
关键词 涡流发生器 GURNEY襟翼 翼型 流动控制 组合控制 vortex generator Gurney flap airfoil flow control combination control
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