
口服普萘洛尔治疗血管瘤患者bFGF的变化 被引量:7

Change of bFGF in patients with hemangioma treated with oral Propranolol
摘要 目的通过监测口服普萘洛尔血管瘤患者的血清和尿液中bFGF的水平变化,探讨普萘洛尔治疗血管瘤的作用机制。方法采用ELISA法检测正常人与患者服药前以及患者服药后4、8周血清及尿液中bFGF的水平,并分析其与预后的关系。结果增生期血管瘤患者治疗前血清、尿液bFGF水平最高,而服药后4,8周bFGF水平呈逐渐下降趋势,服药后8周bFGF水平显著低于治疗前(P〈0.05),普萘洛尔对消退期血管瘤、血管畸形的作用并不明显,给药前与给药后比较,其差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论普萘络尔对治疗增生期血管瘤有效,可能与通过下调患者外周血清及尿液bFGF分子水平有关。 Objective To explore the mechanism of Propranolol in treatment of hemangiomas by monitoring the bFGF levels in both serum and urine in patients with hemangioma. Methods ELISA assay was adopted to detect the bFGF levels in the serum and urine of normal people and patients before and after orally taking Propranolol at 4 and 8 weeks, respectively, and then the relationship between the results and the prognosis was analyzed. Results Before treatment, the bFGF level in serum and urine of patients with proliferative hemangiomas was the highest, but bFGF levels at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment decreased gradually, bFGF level at 8 weeks after treatment was significantly lower than that before treatment ( P〈 0.05 ). The effect of Proprannolol on degenerative hemangioma and vascular malformation was not obvious, and there was no significant difference between bFGF levels before and after treatments ( P〉 0.05 ). Conclusion Propranolol is effective for the treatment of proliferating hemangioma, possibly by reducing the bFGF levels in serum and urine of patients.
出处 《中国美容整形外科杂志》 CAS 2011年第8期504-507,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
基金 基金项目:山东省科学技术发展计划(第一批)医药卫生项目(2010GSFl0266)
关键词 血管瘤 血管畸形 普萘洛尔 BFGF Hemangioma Vascular malformation Propranolol bFGF
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