
植物叶脉发育的分子机制 被引量:9

Molecular mechanism of plant leaf vein development
摘要 叶脉在高等植物发育过程中扮演着为叶片输送水分和营养及支撑叶片的重要角色。植物叶片的形态构造看起来简单,而叶脉发育的分子机理却十分复杂。大量研究表明,植物叶脉发育与生长素的极性运输紧密相关,此外,还受到众多转录因子、小分子RNA以及细胞分裂素、油菜素内酯等因素的调控。综述了近年来叶脉发育的分子机制研究进展,以期了解叶脉发育的调控网络。 The plant leaf veins play a key role in transporting photoassimilates and water and providing mechanical support of leaf.Though the leaf morphology and structure looks plain,the molecular mechanism of plant leaf vein development is very complicated.A series of studies demonstrate that leaf vein development is related closely to polar auxin transport(PAT).In addition,interactions of transcription factors,small RNAs,cytokinin and brassinosteroid also regulate leaf vein development.This review focuses on recent advances in studying on leaf vein development and provides information of the regulation network in the process.
出处 《生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期804-811,共8页 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
基金 重庆市自然科学基金项目(CSTS 2010-BB1045) 国家自然科学基金项目(30900882) 中央高校基本科研业务费(CDJXS112300)
关键词 叶脉发育 分子机制 生长素极性运输(PAT) leaf vein development molecular mechanism polar auxin transport(PAT)
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