Afferent and efferent neural elements of the retina and central ganglia in the freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus were labelled using retrograde transport of neurobiotin through the optic nerve.Axons of at least some photoreceptor cells become direct contributors to the optic nerve as no synaptic junctions could be detected.The processes enter the cerebral ganglion and form a dense bundle of thin afferent fibres,the so-called optical neuropil.Efferent neurons were revealed in all ganglia,except the buccal ones.Some of the ascending axons branch in the cerebral ganglia,cross the cerebro-cerebral commissure,reach the contralateral eye and form arborizations in the eye cup.Some efferent neurons send axons to different peripheral nerves as well:n.n.intestinalis,pallialis dexter,pallialis sinister internus et externus.Serotonin-and FMRF-amide-ergic fibres were revealed in the optic nerve.These fibres belong to those central neurons which send their axons to the ipsilateral eye only.They form abundant varicoses in the eye cup and nuclear layer of the retina,and possibly help to regulate retinal sensitivity to light.
通过神经生物素在视神经上的逆行性传输对淡水蜗牛(Planorbarius corneus)视网膜及中央神经节的输入、输出神经元进行标记。由于没有发现突触联系,所以至少一部分光感受细胞的轴突可被视为直接参与形成视神经。这些神经元的轴突进入大脑神经节形成密集的细传入神经纤维束-视神经堆。传出神经元则存在于除颊部以外的所有神经节。一些上行轴突在大脑神经节处分叉,通过脑-脑联合,到达对侧眼并在眼杯处形成分枝。部分传出神经元的轴突也投射于不同的外周神经,如:n.n.intestinalis,pallialis dexter,pallialis sinister internus et externus。五羟色胺能纤维和FMRF-酰胺能纤维均存在于视神经上,且这些纤维隶属于只投射在同侧眼的中央神经元。它们形成了位于眼杯处的丰富曲张结构及视网膜核心层,并且可能有助于调节视网膜对光的敏感性。