
学术刊物审稿公平感与投稿意愿关系实证研究 被引量:6

The relationship between peer review justice and submission intention
摘要 妥善处理退稿是关系到学术期刊提升竞争力、创建良好学术品牌的关键环节。本文以国内某研究型大学的286名有过拒稿经历的年轻学者为对象,采用问卷法,探究在拒稿情况下投稿者的审稿公平对于投稿意愿的影响。研究结果发现:(1)在程序、信息、人际三种审稿公平类型中,信息公平对于投稿意愿有显著的积极影响,并为整体公平感完全中介;(2)版面费对于信息公平与投稿意愿的关系存在正向调节作用,而期刊等级的调节效应不显著;(3)整体公平感是区别于具体公平(程序、人际和信息)的构念,对于投稿意愿有额外的解释效力。 It is of great importance for academic journals to appropriately handle manuscripts rejection in order to enhance the competitiveness and create academic reputation. Aimeing at the influence of peer review justice perception on submission intention, a survey on 286 young scholars who experienced manuscript rejection from a research - oriented university is examined. The results show that ( 1 ) among three types of peer review justice (procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice), only iaformatlonal justice has a significantly positive impact on submission intention, which is fttUy mediated by overall justice; (2) publication fee plays a positive moderating role on the relationship between information justice and submission intention. However, the moderating effect of academic journal level is insignificant; (3) Overall justice is a distinct eonstrget from procedural, informational, and interpersonal justice, and accounts for additional explanation effect on submission intention.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期142-150,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目:组织分配不公平感的社会比较偏差机制研究(70671046) 起止时间:2007.1-2009.12
关键词 审稿公平 投稿意愿 整体公平 peer review justice submission intention overall justice
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