Economic analysis of different diversified rotational cropping systems under Farmers' package/practices and improved package/practices was conducted in Birbhum district, West Bengal, located in the red and lateritic belt of lower Gangetic plain of eastern lndia. Diversified triple cropping systems (peanut-brinjal+brinjal, rice-potato-pumpkin, and cucumber-cabbage-basella) required higher cost for cultivation, but also produced higher rice equivalent yield, higher net return and higher return rupee1 invested in both management practices. Considering the resource-ability and risk-bearing capacity, and net return and return rupee^-1 (RPR) invested, these cropping systems can be recommended for resource-rich farmers. Rice-rapeseed-cowpea, rice-wheat-green gram and radish-tomato-amaranthus systems profitable. These cropping systems can be required less inputs for cultivation, were less risky, and economically viable and recommended for resource-poor farmers. Peanut-brinjal + brinjal-okra-chilli + chilli-cucumber-cabbage-basella system was the best among all the 3-year rotational systems in respect to RPR in both management practices. This rotational system will be suitable for resource-rich farmers. Vegetable-based rotational systems (ridge gourd-marigold-okra-black gram-pointed gourd + pointed gourd-radish-tomato-amaranthus) or rice-based rotational system (rice-wheat-green gram-rice-rapeseed-cowpea-rice-potato-pumpkin) also found to be suitable to increase the profitability and system sustainability. These cropping systems can be recommended for all groups of farmers.