
旅游企业与旅游消费者心理契约的维度及其关系——基于8城市调查数据的实证研究 被引量:4

The Dimensions and Correlation of Psychological Contract Between Tourism Enterprises and Consumers:An Empirical Research Based on Survey Data in 8 Cities
摘要 在回顾国内外心理契约研究成果的基础上,本文自制心理契约调查问卷,在成都、西安、昆明、重庆、深圳、杭州、上海和北京8个城市,针对在酒店、旅行社、餐饮等40家旅游企业中消费的1000名旅游消费者展开调查,旨在探讨旅游企业与旅游消费者之间的心理契约的维度及其关系。运用SPSS统计分析软件,对问卷的两个部分——"旅游企业责任"和"旅游消费者责任"分别进行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,证实了旅游企业与旅游消费者心理契约是由交易型契约和关系型契约构成的二维结构的理论假设。最后,运用多元回归分析方法,分析了旅游企业与旅游消费者心理契约的两个维度之间的相互关系。 Based on a review of psychological contracts researches at home and abroad,the author surveyed 1000 tourism consumers in 40 tourism enterprises concerning hotel,travel agency,food and beverage enterprise in Chengdu,Xi'an,Kunming,Chongqing,Shenzhen,Hangzhou,Shanghai and Beijing with a self-made questionnaire.The survey aims at exploring the dimensions and correlation of psychological contract between the tourism enterprises and tourism consumers.The paper applies SPSS to make Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA)and Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA)of responsibilities of tourism enterprises and that of tourism consumers.It confirms the theoretical assumptions about two-dimensional structure of psychological contracts between enterprises and consumers.The paper ends with an analysis of the internal relationship of the psychological contract structure between the tourism enterprises and tourism consumers by using multiple regression analysis method.
作者 张明 陈谨
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 2011年第3期57-66,共10页 Tourism Science
基金 国家"985工程"二期:南亚与中国藏区研究创新基地"喜马拉雅周边区域研究"(项目批准号:06JJD85008)
关键词 旅游企业 旅游消费者 心理契约 tourism enterprise tourism consumer psychological contract
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