
牙种植外科CAD/CAM模板的制作及精确性评价 被引量:3

The Fabrication and the Accuracy of CAD/CAM Template-based Implant Dentistry
摘要 目的自主研发牙种植外科CAD/CAM模板并评价其精确性。方法对8块离体猪下颌骨进行CT扫描,数据导入Mimics软件进行三维重建,再利用Simplant专业种植软件进行种植模拟。根据最佳种植位置,借助3-matic等软件设计定位导向模板;用RP快速成型技术完成模板的制作。在模板指导下,于猪下颌骨的无牙区预备种植窝,总计8个。备洞后再次进行CT扫描,比较种植窝与所设计位置在三维方向上的差异,以评价模板的精确性。结果测量8个种植窝的偏差,其中种植体颈部的精度为(0.62±0.18)mm,种植体尖部的测量精度为(0.75±0.19)mm;角度测量精度为(1.45±0.44)°。结论 CAD/CAM模板能准确定位种植体植入的空间位置,保证种植手术的精确性,但还需作进一步的临床验证。 Objective Research and fabricate a surgical template in oral implant,then evaluate its accuracy.Methods Eight pig jaws were CT scanned,the date were imported in Mimics software to reconstruction,then simulate implant with Simplant sofeware.According to the planed implants position,we design the guiding template with 3-matic sofeware.Finally the surgical template were fabricated by RP machine.Under the guidance of the template in edentulate area of pig jaws,amounting to prepare planting 8 holes.The jaws were scanned once again,compared the planed position with actual position of the holes in three-dimensional direction to evaluate the accuracy of the template.Results Mesure mean deviations of the 8 holes,the average distance deviations at the entry and apical point of the implant were(0.62±0.18)mm and(0.75±0.19)mm,and the average axis deviation was(1.45±0.44).Conclusion Animal experiments show that CAD/CAM template can control the of implants position precisely,ensure the accuracy of implant surgery.But it will have to be clinical tested and verified further.
出处 《福建医科大学学报》 2011年第3期192-196,共5页 Journal of Fujian Medical University
基金 卫生部科研课题基金(WKJ2008-2-064)
关键词 牙种植 下颌骨 计算机辅助设计 成像 三维 模型 动物 dental implantation mandible computer-aided design imaging three-dimensional models animal
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