
一种基于MS5803和气象数据的高度测量方法 被引量:6

A barometric altimetry method based on MS5803 and meteorological data
摘要 如何减少天气变化对气压测高精度和稳定性的影响,是便携式导航系统中需要解决的一个问题。为此,提出一种以MS5803高精度气压传感器和局部气象数据为基础的测高方法。从标准压高公式出发,推导出了以同层大气任意位置为参考点的压高方程。用此方程,以当地气象站为参考点,并通过互联网,获取该气象站的准实时气象数据和地理位置,即可测出更为准确和稳定的高度。采用MS5803-01AB气压传感器和笔记本电脑构建了气压测高原型系统。实验表明,在距气象站20多千米的地方,该系统的高度测量的误差小于3 m,13 h内定点高度测量值的漂移小于4 m。 In portable navigation systems,it is required to be solved how to compensate climate change on barometric altimetry accuracy and stability.To this end,an altimetry method based on MS5803 high-precision digital barometric sensor and local meteorological data was presented.From the standard barometric altimetry formula,a barometric altimetry equation was derived,in which any position within the same atmospheric layer can be used as a reference point.With this equation,taking a local weather station as a reference point,it's geographic location and quasi-real-time meteorological data accessed through the Internet,more accurate and stable barometric altimetry can be carried.A barometric altimetry prototype was constructed with an MS5803-01AB barometric sensor and a notebook PC.Experiment results show that at locations more than 20 kilometers away from the local weather station,altitude errors are less than 3m,the measured altitude drift of a fixed point was less than 4m in 13 hours.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2011年第14期44-47,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 气压测高 气象站 气象数据 定位 气压传感器 MS5803 barometric altimetry weather station meteorological data positioning barometric sensor MS5803
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