为了能够应对企业随变化的市场环境而产生的流程快速改变,介绍了使用宏和VBA、Automation、VSTO这3种不同的技术,对Microsoft Excel报表进行开发的方法,通过实例详细介绍开发过程,高效产出了符合要求的Excel报表。得出了在信息时代,通过业务人员与开发人员协作,选择恰当的信息技术,能够大幅提高效率的结论。
In order to cope with the rapidly changing of business process resulting from changing of market,this article describes three different report developing technologies on Microsoft Excel——macros and VBA,Automation and VSTO.Through the detailed examples,it introduces the delevopment of Excel reports which meet the requirements of users.The conclusion is that collaborating professionals with developers and selecting appropriate technology can dramatically improve the efficiency of enterprise.
Computer Development & Applications