为了开发富互联网应用(RIA)和满足用户体验的需要,提出了以基于Ruby语言的Rails框架为基础,结合F lex应用进行敏捷开发,开发富互联网应用程序的思路。以网上展厅项目作为实例对象进行研究,使用Rails搭建一个基于MVC的框架;调整模型和控制器使之符合应用需求;使用Flex设计UI与建立的模型和控制器结合;使用Flex提供的类库实现展厅的3D形式表现;数据库的操作使用Rails提供的ORM:ActiveRecord技术实现;3D场景的建立使用Flex的PV3D类库;后台的逻辑处理使用Ruby语言实现。
In order to develop Rich Internet Applications(RIA) put forward a agile development with Flex applications based on Rails framework which coded by Rubylanguage.To study Online Gallery as an example,using Rails to build a framework based on MVC;Adjustment model and the controller to conform to application requirements;Using Flex to design view with the model and controller combination;Using ORM: ActiveRecord technology operate the database;3D scenes built using Flex,PV3D library;Background logic processing using the Ruby language.
Computer Development & Applications