由于渐开线齿轮比摆线齿轮更容易保证计算准确性,国内外采煤机的大节距销排啮合行走轮,多采用渐开线齿廓。介绍采煤机渐开线行走轮设计,借助ANSYS Workbench软件对渐开线行走轮进行有限元分析,为设计人员提供参考。
Because of the involute gear is easier than cycloidal gear to guarantee the accuracy of calculation,the most of shearers both domestic and abroad use the driving wheel of involute profile engaging with pin-rack of large pitch.The design of involute driving wheel is introduced.The finite element analysis of the wheel is carried out based on software ANSYS Workbench.The study provides a reference to designers.
Colliery Mechanical & Electrical Technology