在中等职业学校计算机课程中,《Visual Foxpro程序设计》是教学的难度较大的课程,相当一部分学生对《visual Foxpm程序设计》课程不感兴趣,甚至产生畏惧,怎样才能上好这门课,让学生对它感兴趣呢?本文结合笔者的《VisualFoxpro程序设计》教学实践,阐述了在VisualFoxpro教学中的一些教学尝试。
In secondary vocational school computer course, "Visual Foxpro Programme Design" is a difficult course to teach, many students have no interest on it, and even affair of it, in this paper, the author combined with his own teaching experience of this course to discuss how to teach it well and provided some attempts.
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