
铁蛋白脱铁机制的建立及脱铁前后光谱变化的研究 被引量:2

Study on of Deferrization Mechanism of Apoferritin and the Effect of Spectra Variation with Holoferritin
摘要 建立了一套可以实现铁蛋白脱铁的机制并对脱铁前后铁蛋白的光谱进行了分析。应用连二亚硫酸钠(Sodium Hyposulfite)为还原剂与铁蛋白发生还原反应,促使铁蛋白矿化铁的还原释放,此过程中使用2,2-联吡啶(2,2-Dipyridyl)实时监测脱铁状况。通过ICP-MS检测显示,脱铁铁蛋白制备成功。紫外分析结果表明铁蛋白在脱铁之前没有吸收峰,而在脱铁后在280 nm处具有明显的吸收峰。荧光分析结果表明,铁蛋白脱铁前没有荧光发射光谱,而在脱铁后则具有荧光发射光谱。 The deferrization mechanism of apoferritin was established, and the spectra variation of apoferritin was compared with that of holoferritin. Sodium hyposulfite is a strong reducing agent, therefore, was applied to deoxidize holoferritin to release iron ion, and connection of iron of buffer was measured by the 2,2-dipyridyl. Apoferritin was detected by ICP-MS. Holoferritin was found to have no absorption compared with apoferritin by UV analysis, and have no fluorescence emission spectra in contrast with apoferritin by fluorescence analysis.
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期2552-2554,共3页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30972045)资助
关键词 铁蛋白 脱铁铁蛋白 ICP-MS 荧光光谱 紫外光谱 Holoferritin Apoferritin Spectra ICP-MS
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