
微创小切口等离子射频成形术治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎 被引量:4

Application of minimally invasive radiofrequency angioplasty for the treatment of humeral epicondylitis
摘要 目的评价微创手术等离子射频成形术治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎的临床效果。方法自2005年7月至2010年10月收治39例顽固性肱骨外上髁炎,男12例,女27例,左侧18例,右侧21例,行微创小切口手术治疗,切口长约2~3cm,肌腱专用射频刀头行肌腱打孔,射频成形。结果所有病例均得到随访,时间10-48个月,平均26个月,治愈35例,显效2例,有效2例,无手术相关并发症发生。结论小切口等离子射频成形术治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎创伤小,操作简单,不影响肌腱的完整性和生理强度,并且可促进肌腱的生理性恢复,疗效确切,是目前治疗该疾病的一种微创、疗效可靠的新方法。 Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of minimally invasive radiofrequency angioplasty intreating the humeral epicondylitis. Methods From July 2005 to October 2010, 39 patients (12 males and 27 females) with refractory humeral epicondylitis were admitted in the hospital. Of the 39 patients, 18 were with epicondylitis on the left side and 21 were on the right side. A 2-3cm incision was obtained under the minimally invasive surgery. RF formed after punching the tendon with special tendon RF segment. Results All patients were followed up for 26 months on average (range; 10 to 48 months). 35 cases were cured, 2 cases demonstrated excellent efficacy and 2 cases good efficacy. No surgery-related complication happened. Conclusions Minimal invasive radiofrequency angioplasty has characteristics of small lesion and easy operation in treating the refractory humeral epicondylitis with confirmed efficacy and no impact on the integrity and physical strength of the tendon. It can also promote the physical recovery of the tendon. It is an effective, reliable and new method in treating this disease at present.
出处 《中国骨肿瘤骨病》 2011年第4期364-366,共3页 Chinse Journal Of Bone Tumor And Bone Disease
关键词 肱骨外上髁炎 微创 射频成形术 Humeral epicondylitis Minimally invasive Radiofrequency angioplasty
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