
论“政权党”——以当代俄罗斯和中华民国初年政党政治为例 被引量:1

On the Party of Political Power
摘要 本文详细考察了当代俄罗斯和中华民国初年的政党政治和政治制度,认为二者都是以政权党为显著特征的政党政治,表现出总统重视政党的作用,善于利用政权党来巩固政治地位但又超越政权党,具有不受任何党派约束的巨大权威;政权党虽然能得到总统的支持,但是无法成为执政党,因而表现出既支持政府又批评政府,既与政府合作又与政府斗争的特征。由此得出结论,政权党是一种在政党与政权关系问题上相对于执政党、在野党之外的又一政党类型,有其特定的历史文化基础。 This paper discusses in detail party politics and party system of contemporary Russia and the Republic of China in its initial stage and characterizes the two party politics and party systems as the party of political power. In the two party politics and party systems, presidents laid emphasis on the role of the party, made full use but went beyond the party of political power in order to consolidate their political status and had great authority free of any parties; Although presidents suppnrted the party of political power, it can't become the ruling party because it both supported and criticized the govemment and cooperated and struggled with the government. In the end, this paper draws a conclusion that, in the relationship between party and power, the party of political power is the other party type, besides the ins and the outs, and has its specific historical and cultural foundation.
作者 余科杰
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期44-48,共5页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
关键词 政党政治 政权党 当代俄罗斯政体 民国初年政体 party politics the party of political power, contemporary Russian regime early regime of the Republic of China
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