
特殊经济恢复期内商业银行经营调整之策 被引量:3

Strategy Adjustment of Commercial Banks in the Special Economy Recovery Period
摘要 当前全球经济运行处于2008年金融危机后的特殊经济恢复期,外部市场和金融监管环境都在发生重大变化。本文认为,在深刻理解和准确把握当前经济恢复特殊性的基础上,商业银行需要从形势判断、风险选择、风险安排、资本管理、内部控制、产品创新、结构调整等多方面采取措施,积极主动安排风险,有效平衡资本、风险和收益,形成适合自身特点的经营策略,才能化挑战为机遇。 Currently, the global economy is in a special recovery period since the financial crisis in 2008, with the extemal market and financial regulatory environment experiencing extraordinary changes. On the basis ofinsightfully understanding the current situation of special economy recovery, commercial banks need to carry out various measures in situation analysis, risk selection, risk arrangement, capital management, inner control, product innovation and structure adjustment. It is necessary to actively manage the risk, effectively balance capital, risk and revenue, and develop a suitable operating strategy, so as to convert chauenges to opportunities.
作者 黄志凌
机构地区 中国建设银行
出处 《投资研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期32-43,共12页 Review of Investment Studies
关键词 特殊经济恢复期 商业银行 经营策略调整 Special economy recovery period Commercial bank Strategy adjustment
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