目的观察美宝湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗大疱性表皮松解型药疹的疗效。方法对我院2009年收治的5例大疱性表皮松解型药疹患者采用美宝湿润烧伤膏油纱换药治疗,并配合全身综合治疗。结果患者受损面积最小者占体表总面积的52%,面积最大者占99%,5例患者均痊愈出院,创面愈合时间最短16 d,最长58 d,无出血、感染。结论美宝湿润烧伤膏油纱对大疱性表皮松解型药疹具有良好的疗效。
Objective To observe the effect of MEBO in treating patients with bullous epidermolysis type of drug eruption (BETDE) . Methods In 2009, we treated 5 BETDE cases with MEBO in combination with systemic therapy. Results The least damaged body surface area of the patients was 52% and the largest was 99%. All the five cases were all cured and discharged. The shortest healing time was 16 days and the longest was 58 days. No case was infected. Conclusion MEBO treatment has a good effect on the patients with BETDE.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers