
AquaCrop模型在大葱生物量和土壤贮水量模拟中的应用和验证 被引量:21

Evaluation of the AquaCrop model for simulating biomass for Chinese green onion and soil water storage
摘要 为评估AquaCrop模型在华北平原模拟大葱生长和农田水分的适用性,本研究利用实测的农民施肥方式的一个小区和增施氮肥处理的土壤水分、作物生长和产量数据,结合气象资料,获得了AquaCrop模型模拟大葱生长和土壤水分的模型参数,并利用实测的农民施肥方式的另外一个小区、减施氮肥、优化施氮和秸秆还田处理的土壤贮水量和生物量数据进行了模型验证。结果表明:在无水分胁迫条件下AquaCrop模型对大葱土壤贮水量及生物量的模拟结果是可以接受的。对土壤贮水量实测值与模拟值的RMSE为19.4~24.9 mm之间,相对误差为3.9%~12.4%;大葱生物量实测值与模拟值的RMSE为0.31~0.73 t/hm2,相对误差为5.8%~12.8%。 The objective of this study was to evaluate the AquaCrop model for Chinese green onion for simulating the growth and soil water storage in North China Plain.AquaCrop model for Chinese green onion was parameterized using soil water data,crop growth and yield data from one plot of Farmer Practice and Heavy Nitrogen Application treatments and the weather data,and tested using data from another plot of Farmer Practice,reduced nitrogen application,optimized nitrogen application and straw returning treatments in 2009.The results showed that AquaCrop model simulated accurately the soil water storage and biomass without water stress condition.The RMSE between the simulated soil water storage values and measurements was 19.4-24.9 mm,the relative error 3.9%-12.4%.The RMSE between the simulated biomass values and measurements was 0.31-0.73 t/hm2,the relative error 5.8%-12.8%.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期59-66,共8页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费资助(200803036)
关键词 大葱 土壤水分 AquaCrop模型 参数化 验证 Chinese green onion soil water AquaCrop model parameterization evaluation
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