
具有孔洞和不规则边界的网格参数化技术 被引量:1

Parameterization Technology to Meshes With Holes and Irregular Boundaries
摘要 针对凸组合参数化方法难以处理具有孔洞的网格模型,以及对不规则边界的网格模型参数化的边界处变形较大的问题,提出了一种新的参数化方法,首先通过拟合变分隐式曲面修补网格上的孔洞,并构造出较规则的附加边界,最后采用凸组合参数化方法进行参数化。通过曲面拟合实验表明,该方法引入的附加数据作为曲面拟合数据,最终的拟合曲面在孔洞以及边界处具有较好的光顺性,且该方法已应用于复合材料成型模具快速设计中的参数化曲面构建。 An effective mesh parameterization approach is proposed for the meshes which contain holes and irregular boundaries could not be parameterized well by the convex combination approaches.The whole holes would be filled by fitting variational implicit surfaces and a simple additional boundary is constructed for the mesh,and then the parameterization result will be obtained by a convex combination parameterization method.The experimental results indicate that the new introduced vertices can be used as the supplementary data to fit surface smoothly.Furthermore,the proposed method has been used to the parameterized surface construction during the fast design of composite mold.
出处 《宇航材料工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期6-10,14,共6页 Aerospace Materials & Technology
基金 国家自然基金(50905084) 航空科学基金(2010ZE52054)
关键词 网格参数化 孔洞 不规则边界 变分隐式曲面 附加边界 Mesh parameterization Hole Irregular boundary Variational implicit surface Additional boundary
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