
含硅芳炔树脂的化学流变特性 被引量:7

Rheological Character of a Silicon-Containing Arylacetylene Resin
摘要 含硅芳炔树脂的流变特性对于其RTM成型工艺有重要参考价值,采用DSC热分析及黏度测量表征了含硅芳炔树脂的固化特性和黏度与温度的关系,发现含硅芳炔树脂为典型的牛顿流体,且在100~130℃范围内具有较低黏度,维持时间长。根据其黏度—温度—时间关系建立了双阿伦尼乌斯黏度模型,模型分析与实验结果取得较好的一致性,可为RTM成型工艺窗口的预测提供支撑。 Rheological behavior of a silicon-containing arylacetylene resin(PSA) is very important for RTM molding.The curing properties and relationship between viscosity of the resin and time were studied with DSC analysis and viscometer measurements respectively.The results shows that PSA resin is a typical Newton fluid and has a low viscosity platform from 100℃ to 130℃.A Dual-Arrhenius viscosity model has been established to describe the relationship among viscosity,temperature and time.The estimated viscosity values of the established model are in good agreement with the experimental ones.This equation of the model can be used as a guide for the RTM molding of PSA.
出处 《宇航材料工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期24-26,31,共4页 Aerospace Materials & Technology
关键词 含硅芳炔树脂 化学流变特性 RTM成型 高性能树脂 Silicon-containing arylacetylene resin Rheological character RTM molding High performance resin
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