Since 2008,the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee and the government have paid high attention to the rural film work.According to the requirements of the country and the province,Qingdao takes the non-commercial film showing project as an important 'culture benefits people' project and turns this project into one of the realities of the annual new socialist countryside construction. In the last three years,the city has invested subsidy capital of over 24 million yuan,screened 129,800 free films,and the total audience has exceeded 20 million.The aim of showing one noncommercial film every month in every administrative village was basically achieved.In 2011,the task of Qingdao rural area non-commercial films showing project is to realize the digitizing showing and gradually open the indoor showing rooms.It is planned that in one year 70, 620 films will be shown.Until the end of June,Qingdao showed 23,547 noncommercial films,including 19,034 feature films and 4,513 scientific educational films,which has achieved 33%of the annual task.At present,the noncommercial films in rural areas are mainly shown in the open air,so the most suitable showing season is from June to October. The work of this project is going forward well and most of the districts can do the screening in good order according to the plans.