
诱导冷藏橄榄果实抗冷性的适宜热空气处理条件优化 被引量:25

Optimum conditions of hot air treatment for inducing chilling tolerance of Chinese olive fruits during cold storage
摘要 为开发诱导冷藏橄榄果实抗冷性、减轻冷藏橄榄果实冷害的技术,在减轻冷藏橄榄果实冷害的热空气处理条件预试验基础上,将檀香橄榄果实先用6种不同条件的热空气处理(30℃45min、38℃30min、40℃30min、42℃45min、50℃15min、60℃15min),然后在(2±1)℃、90%相对湿度下贮藏100d,贮藏期间定期测定果实冷害指数、果皮褐变指数、果肉褐变度、果皮叶绿素含量、果实呼吸强度和细胞膜相对渗透率的变化。结果表明:38℃热空气处理30min能显著降低冷藏橄榄果实冷害;30℃热空气处理45min对减轻冷害有一定的效果,但会加速果皮叶绿素降解和促进果实细胞膜结构完整性破坏;而其余4种热空气处理条件都会促进冷藏橄榄果实冷害的发生。因此,38℃热空气处理30min可以作为提高(2±1)℃、90%相对湿度下冷藏的橄榄果实抗冷性、减轻橄榄果实冷害发生的适宜热空气处理条件。 In order to develop technology for inducing chilling tolerance and alleviating chilling injury of Chinese olive (Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch)fruits during cold storage, freshly harvested ‘Tanxiang’ Chinese olive(Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch cv. Tanxiang)fruits were pre-treated with hot air at 30℃ for 45 minutes, 38℃ for 30 minutes, 40℃ for 30 minutes, 42℃ for 45 minutes, 50℃ for 15 minutes and 60℃ for 15 minutes, respectively, which were based on the preliminary studies of hot air conditions for alleviating chilling injury of cold-stored Chinese olive fruits, then the treated fruits stored at (2±1)℃ and 90% relative humidity for 100 days. During fruit storage, chilling injury index of fruit, browning index of pericarp, browning degree of pulp, content of pericarp chlorophyll, respiration rate and cell membrane relative leakage rate of fruit were determined. The results showed that pre-treated with hot air at 38℃ for 30 minutes could significantly decrease chilling injury of cold-stored Chinese olive fruits. There was a certain effect of alleviating chilling injury of cold-stored Chinese olive fruits when the fruit pre-treated with hot air at 30℃ for 45 minutes, while pre-treated with hot air at 30℃ for 45 minutes could accelerate the degradation of pericarp chlorophyll and promote the disruption of the integrity of cellular membrane structure of Chinese olive fruits during cold storage. Whereas, pre-treated with the other four kinds of hot air conditions could promote the occurrence of chilling injury of cold-stored Chinese olive fruits. From the results, it could conclude that pre-treated with hot air at 38℃ for 30 minutes could be used as the optimum conditions of hot air treatment for inducing chilling tolerance and alleviating chilling injury of Chinese olive fruits during storage at (2±1)℃ and 90% relative humidity.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期371-376,共6页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑计划专项(2007BAD07B06) 福建省自然科学基金项目(C94015) 福建省教育厅科技项目(JA02208) 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划(闽教科〔2007〕20号)
关键词 贮藏 品质控制 农产品 橄榄果实 抗冷性 热空气处理 storage quality control agricultural products Chinese olive fruits chilling tolerance hot air treatment
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