
急性期脑卒中认知障碍患者前瞻性记忆的特征研究 被引量:2

Prospective memory deficit in acute stroke patients with cognitive impairment
摘要 目的筛查急性期脑卒中认知障碍患者有无前瞻性记忆(PM)障碍,探讨其PM障碍的特点。方法筛选符合标准的急性期脑卒中认知障碍患者60例作为实验组,另选年龄、性别、文化程度与实验组相匹配的“正常人”60名作为对照组,2组均给予汉化版剑桥前瞻性记忆测试、数字广度测试、普通话版Rivermead行为记忆测试、中文版Stroop字一颜色测试、色彩追踪测试。结果2组间基于时间的PM(TBPM)及其意图激活阶段的评分比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论急性期脑卒中认知障碍患者明显存在’FBPM障碍,可能因意图阶段受损导致,建议作为判断急性期脑卒中有无认知障碍的评估指标之一。 Objective To explore the characteristics of prospective memory (PM) deficit in acute stroke patients with cognitive impairment. Methods Sixty patients suffering from acute stroke who met the inclusion crite- ria in screening with the neurobehavioral cognitive status examination (NCSE) were enrolled into the experimental group. Sixty healthy participants who matched the experimental group in gender distribution and average age and edu- cation level were assigned as a control group. All the participants completed several neuropsychological evaluations, including the Chinese version of the Cambridge prospective memory test (C-CAMPROMT) , the Chinese version of the Rivermead behavior memory test (C-RBMT) , a digit-span test (DS) , the Chinese version of Stroop's word-color test (C-SWCT) and a color trail test (CTT). Results Time-based PM (TBPM) scores in the control group were significantly higher than in the experimental group. At the intention initiation stage TBPM scores in the control group were also significantly better than in the experimental group. The TBPM performance of the experimental group was significantly worse than that of the controls when PM performance was compared with other cognitive functions con- trolled for. Conclusions The acute stroke patients with cognitive impairment showed greater TBPM performance deficits than the controls. This may have resulted from impairment at the intention initiation stage. TBPM deficits may exist independently. If so, they could serve as an assessment of cognitive impairment after stroke.
出处 《中华物理医学与康复杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期592-594,共3页 Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
关键词 脑卒中 认知障碍 前瞻性记忆 Acute stroke Cognitive impairment Prospective memory
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