
固定边界圆柱孔扩张问题的弹塑性解 被引量:2

Elastoplastic solution of cylindrical expansion with fixed boundary
摘要 文章基于平面轴对称的圆孔扩张理论,建立了非相关流动Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则的固定外边界条件下圆孔扩张问题弹塑性解析解,得到了弹性和塑性极限状态下的承载力和位移的计算公式。针对固定边界圆柱孔扩张问题的塑性区发展以及内外孔径比对弹性和塑性极限承载力的影响效果进行了分析研究,结果表明,内外孔径比的变化对弹性和塑性极限荷载影响明显,并且圆柱孔壁越薄,弹性极限荷载与塑性极限荷载越接近。 Based on cylindrical expansion theory of plane axial symmetry and non-associated flow rule with Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion,this paper investigates an elastoplastic solution of cylindrical expansion with fixed boundary.The analytical solutions for the stress and displacement of the soil around the pile under the elastic and plastic limit state are presented.The development of cylindrical expansion plastic area with fixed boundary and the effect of internal and external aperture ratio on the elastic and plastic limit stress are discussed.The results show that the influence of the internal and external aperture ratio on the elastic and plastic limit load is obvious.When the cylindrical wall is thinner,the elastic limit load is closer to the plastic limit load.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1227-1231,共5页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 浙江省科技厅公益类资助项目(2010C33184) 浙江省水利厅科技基金资助项目(RC1034)
关键词 圆孔扩张 非相关流动法则 MOHR-COULOMB屈服准则 固定边界 cylindrical expansion non-associated flow rule Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion fixed boundary
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