
手足口病病原在自来水中的存活能力 被引量:4

Survivability of hand foot mouth disease virus in tap water
摘要 目的了解手足口病病毒在生活用自来水中存活情况。方法2008年上海市及浙江省手足口病监测病例分离到的手足口病病毒中,选择5株肠道病毒(EV)71型、1株柯萨奇(Cox)病毒,分别混合含氯量1.0mg/L的自来水;采用Vero细胞培养,细胞病变效应(CPE)观察,每日监测水中病毒存活情况。运用散点图分析水中病毒存活量下降趋势。结果该6株手足口病病毒在初始含氯量1.0ppm模拟出厂自来水中可以存活1个月以上,并持续有感染细胞能力,病毒株间活病毒存活能力有差别。结论EV71型及Cox病毒在水中具有较强存活能力,手足口病流行期间,城市、农村及城乡结合部需要注意手足口病病原经水传播的途径。 Objective To evaluate the survivability of hand foot mouth disease(HFMD) virus, in tap water for daily use. Methods HFMD viruses were isolated from cases of HFMD in Shanghai and Zhejiang from in 2008. Six isolated strains (five subtype of enterovirus 71 and one coxackie virus) were selected in this study. These viruses were mixed with chloride 1. 0 mg/L tap-water and then inoculated into Vero cells. The cytopathic effect (CPE) was checked everyday in order to survey the survivability of each virus strain. The decline of virus survivability was analyzed by scatter diagram. Results These six strains of HMFD virus could survive longer than one month in tap water with initial chloride concentration of 1.0 mg/L and still had celluar infectivity. The survivabilities were varied between viruses isolated from different HFMD cases. Conclusions The survivabilities of enterovirus 71 and coxackie virus stains are quite strong in water. Therefore, the transmission route of water borne pathogens should be monitored in regions using tap water during HFMD epidemic period.
出处 《中华传染病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期455-458,共4页 Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases
基金 新发和突发传染病高通量检测技术的开发及其临床应用评估(2009ZX10004-104) 上海市科委资助项目(09DZ1906605)
关键词 手足口病 肠道病毒A型 存活力 给水 疾病传播 Hand, foot and mouth disease Enterovirus A, human Survival rate Water supply Disease transmission
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