
社会判断内容的基本维度研究 被引量:15

A Review of the Fundamental Dimensions of Social Judgment Content
摘要 社会判断在内容上存在热情与能力两个基本维度,前一个维度是对他人意图的反映,后一个维度是对他人能力的反映。首先对社会判断基本维度的命名进行剖析,接着梳理了社会判断中热情和能力存在的三种关系:热情优先、晕轮效应和补偿效应。最后,从判断者、被判断者等方面出发,回顾了影响热情和能力关系的主要因素。在此基础上,从研究内容、研究方法、毕生发展、文化差异等方面提出了未来研究的方向。 In recent years, research on social judgment including interpersonal judgment and group judgment has focused on the important realization that two fundamental content dimensions underlie these various social judgments. Although different names have been used, there is wide agreement on the common core of those dimensions. That is, each dimension reflects the other' s intent (positive or negative) and competence, and characteristics correspond to perceptions of warmth and competence which was labeled by Fiske respectively. According to the recent theory and research in social judgment, the warmth dimension captures traits that are related to perceived intent, such as friendliness, helpfulness, sincerity, trustworthiness and morality whereas the competence dimension reflects traits that are related to perceived ability, including intelligence, skill, creativity and efficacy. Although both dimensions are fundamental to social judgment, warmth judgment seems to be primary because it accounts for more variance in trait ratings, and is more quickly recognized. The primacy of warmth over competence categories reflects the importance of assessing other people' s intentions before determining their ability to carry out those intentions. This demonstrates a sensitivity to potential threats, which aids survival in all organisms. In addition, although warmth and competence are separate dimensions, considerable evidence suggests that warmth and competence positively relate to each other (labeled as the halo effect) or negatively relate to each other (labeled as the compensatory effect). However, the characteristics of perceivers of judgment are found to moderate the relation between warmth and competence. The priority for detecting warmth over competence, though robust, is stronger for some kinds of perceivers (such as women or collectivist orientations) than others, and people rate societal in-groups as high in both warmth and competence (halo effect), whereas they perceive most societal out-groups are negatively between warmth and competence (high on one dimension and low in the other). Besides the characteristics of perceivers, targets' characteristics also moderate the relation between the two dimensions. For example, when people judge individuals, the two dimensions often corrdate positively, people expect isolated individuals will be evaluativdy consistent. However, when people judge social groups, warmth and competence often correlate negatively. Moreover, the compensatory effect seems likely to operate in the comparative context. With only one target object, the compensatory effect may be less potent. Finally, the possible trends for the future research were pointed out from the aspects of research content, paradigms, cultural differences and so on.
作者 张庆 王美芳
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期899-904,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 山东省"泰山学者"建设工程专项经费(鲁政办发(2004)91号) 山东省"十一五"强化建设重点学科建设经费(鲁教研字(2006)4号) 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2009CM080)资助
关键词 社会判断内容基本维度 能力 热情 the fundamental dimensions of social judgment content, warmth, competence.
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