[目的]研究红芪钾素吸收和分配规律及施肥效应,为红芪GAP基地的建设提供理论依据。[方法]采用随机区组试验设计来研究不同用量坡缕石和NPK肥配比对红芪吸钾和钾素分配的影响。[结果]7月下旬到8月下旬是红芪单株地上部分钾素的快速积累期,8月下旬到9月下旬是红芪单株根钾素的快速积累期。坡缕石和氮磷钾肥配施能比氮磷钾肥单施提高红芪根的含钾量、地上部分和根的钾素积累量。坡缕石施用量跟红芪的钾肥农学效率呈极显著二项式相关,和钾肥当季利用率呈极显著直线相关。[结论]施用2 250kg/hm2用量的坡缕石能显著促进钾肥的增产效果和红芪对钾肥的利用率。
[Objective] To study absorption and distribution of K in RADIX HEDYSARI and its response to application amount of NPK and palygorskite,so as to provide theoretical basis for construction of GAP base.[Method] Random blocks design test was performed to study the effects of palygorskite and NPK fertilizer in different proportions on the absorption and distribution of K in RADIX HEDYSARI.[Result] The K rapid accumulation phase in the aerial part of RADIX HEDYSARI was from late July to late August;the K rapid accumulation phase in the root was appeared from late August to late September.Compared with single application of NPK,combined application of palygorskite and NPK fertilizer could increase K content in root,K accumulation amount of aerial part and root of RADIX HEDYSARI.The application amount of palygorskite presented a very significant binomial correlation with K fertilizer agronomic efficiency,and a significant linear correlation with K fertilizer utilization rate in season.[Conclusion] Application of 2 250 kg/hm2 palygorskite could significantly promote the yield-increasing effect of potassium fertilizer on RADIX HEDYSARI and potassium fertilizer utilization rate.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences