
New Insights in the Ash Melting Behavior and Improvement of Biomass Energy Pellets Using Flour Bond 被引量:1

New Insights in the Ash Melting Behavior and Improvement of Biomass Energy Pellets Using Flour Bond
摘要 New insight was obtained in the effect of ash composition on the ash melting behavior of biomass products. It was shown that there is a good correlation between the amounts of calcium (Ca), silicon (Si) and potassium (K) of the ash and the ash melting temperature (Tmelt) of bio-energy products like wood, agro and sludge pellets (n = 164). Using PCA and linear regression analyses a good prediction of the Tmelt can be obtained by using an easy to use formula: Ln [Tmelt] = 7.24 - 0.33 × Si - 0. 70 × K + 1.28 × K × Ca (variance accounted for is 72%). The new formula give much better predictions of the ash Tmelt of wood pellets and other solid bio-energy or biofuel products than previous fits. As expected Ca plays an important positive role. K and Si sink the Tmelt. Other metals play a less dominant role, such as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al) and magnesium (Mg). The new insight was put into practice by showing that by adding FlourBond, a pressing aid high in Ca, the Tmelt of wood pellet ash can be increased. It is envisaged that an elevated ash Tmelt reduces the risk of slagging of solid biofuels.
出处 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第8期685-691,共7页 能源与动力工程(美国大卫英文)
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