New insight was obtained in the effect of ash composition on the ash melting behavior of biomass products. It was shown that there is a good correlation between the amounts of calcium (Ca), silicon (Si) and potassium (K) of the ash and the ash melting temperature (Tmelt) of bio-energy products like wood, agro and sludge pellets (n = 164). Using PCA and linear regression analyses a good prediction of the Tmelt can be obtained by using an easy to use formula: Ln [Tmelt] = 7.24 - 0.33 × Si - 0. 70 × K + 1.28 × K × Ca (variance accounted for is 72%). The new formula give much better predictions of the ash Tmelt of wood pellets and other solid bio-energy or biofuel products than previous fits. As expected Ca plays an important positive role. K and Si sink the Tmelt. Other metals play a less dominant role, such as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al) and magnesium (Mg). The new insight was put into practice by showing that by adding FlourBond, a pressing aid high in Ca, the Tmelt of wood pellet ash can be increased. It is envisaged that an elevated ash Tmelt reduces the risk of slagging of solid biofuels.