
Energy Potential of Canton of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Possibilities of Its Rational Economic-Industrial Exploitation

Energy Potential of Canton of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Possibilities of Its Rational Economic-Industrial Exploitation
摘要 Canton of Tuzla takes cca 2,650 km2 area of north-east Bosnia and Herzegovina. Economic structure of this geographic region, traditionally, dominates the energetic. In the last few years, this part Bosnia and Herzegovina produces near 4 million tons of coal, which is over 40% of coal producing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over 80% produced coal is burning away in local thermal power plants, where is producing cea 3,000 GWh electro energy. Today, Canton of Tuzla is starting the restructuration process of energetic sector towards improving its efficiency. Therefore, we expect the similar problems, as in other transition regions (e.g., closing some coal pits, ecology, reduction of labour, etc.). Also, we should take all well known fact that investing in energy capacities last over five years, and in this propriety time, here will not be any adequate thermal power plants as a relevant substitute. According to European Energy Charter, south-east Europe is forced to give up from technological outdated and economic inefficiency productive capacities, so the situation is becoming more complicated. For its welfare, it is essential to speed up all investment and reconstruction by using all available resources, as domestic, as foreign. Hence, this paper presents technical-technological and economic analysis of the energy problems in Canton of Tuzla, and of course, it's possible solving in near future.
机构地区 University of Tuzla
出处 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第8期582-586,共5页 中国经济评论(英文版)
关键词 Canton of Tuzla ENERGETIC restructuration 能源潜力 波斯尼亚 经济结构 煤炭生产 开采 工业 理性 生产能力
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