美国国立卫生研究院(National Institute of Health,NIH)是美国乃至世界最大、最具影响力的生物医学研究基地和资助管理机构。NIH通过多种方式资助博士后的科学研究和学术生涯发展,帮助青年科研人员实现从博士后到职业科学家的过渡。我国博士后制度创立20多年来发展迅猛,然而博士后资助体系还不十分完善。本文介绍NIH博士后资助体系并就我国博士后与科研项目结合、博士后薪酬福利、博士后基金资助、对医学等关系全民福祉及国家战略部属的重点学科进行政策倾斜等问题提出建议。
The National Institute of Health (NIH), the biggest and most influential biomedical research institute and subsidy management agent in America and the world at large, provides financial aids to the scientific research and academic career development of post-doctors through various ways, ushering them into the field of professional research. Over the past two decades, China's postdoctoral system enjoys great prosperity but leaves much to be desired in its subsidy system. The present article gives a detailed portrayal of the subsidy system in the National Institute of Health and presents the author's suggestions over issues in China, such as the combination of post-doctors and scientific research program, postdoctoral payment and welfare, postdoctoral funding, policy support of key subjects such as medicine mattering to the national welfare and national strategy.
Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management