

Treatment on prostatitis type IIIA with acupuncture following the principle of Blood circulation activation and turbid fluid purification
摘要 目的:以搜剔厥阴、活血导浊原则取穴,针刺中极、曲骨、关元、急脉、大赫、横骨等穴,治疗ⅢA型前列腺炎并观察其疗效。方法:100例ⅢA型前列腺炎患者给予针灸治疗,每日1次,每次留针30m in,疗程20d。结果:100例患者完成了一个疗程的治疗。至2个月时,显效32例,有效52例,无效16例,总有效率84.00%。结论:搜剔厥阴、活血导浊法是治疗ⅢA型前列腺炎的有效治疗方法之一。 Objectives: Prostatitis type IIIA was treated with acupuncture in accordance with the principle of blood circulation activation and turbid fluid purification,and the therapeutic effects were observed.Methods: Acupuncture was administered to 100 patients with prostatitis type IIIA once daily,thirty minutes each time for a treatment course of 20 days.Results: One hundred patients completed a treatment course.The two-month follow-up indicated 32 improved cases,52 effective cases and 16 ineffective cases,the overall efficiency rate being 84.00%.Conclusion: Acupuncture in accordance with the principle of blood circulation activation and turbid fluid purification is an effective method in treating prostatitis type IIIA patients.
出处 《中国性科学》 2011年第8期20-21,24,共3页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
关键词 ⅢA型前列腺炎 搜剔厥阴 活血导浊 prostatitis type IIIA blood circulation activation and turbid fluid purification
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