目的根除幽门螺杆菌是预防和治疗幽门螺杆菌(Hp)相关疾病的重要手段。旨在应用克拉霉素、奥美拉唑和中医药联合疗法治疗幽门螺杆菌,增加Hp补救治疗的根除率,改善患者的临床症状和西药的副作用。方法 (1)西药方案:克拉霉素0.5 g.Bid.po,奥美拉唑0.04g.qd.po,14d/疗程;(2)中药方案:黄芪15 g,白术10g,白芍10g,茯苓10 g,丹参10 g,黄芩10g,枳实10g,陈皮10g,半夏6 g,黄连3g,甘草6g,1剂/d,共14d。105例Hp阳性患者随机分成两组,治疗组55例,治疗组给予西药方案联合中药方案治疗,对照组50例,对照组给予西药方案治疗。结果应用克拉霉素、奥美拉唑和中医药联合疗法治疗幽门螺杆菌,研究结果显示联合中医药治疗能增加H.p补救治疗的根除率,两组临床疗效比较结果显示对比组之间的差异有统计学意义。(P<0.05)。结论应用克拉霉素、奥美拉唑和中医药联合疗法不仅能获得较高的H.p根除率,改善临床症状也有良好作用,且药物的副反应明显减少,患者依从性增加,使难治性Hp感染的根除有了更多选择。
Objective The important ways of Hp eradication is to prevent and cure Hp related diseases.Aims to application clarithromycin,prilosec and traditional Chinese medicine combined therapy Hp,increase H.p salvage therapy eradicate rate and improve the clinical symptoms and western medicine side effects.Methods(1) Western medicine scheme Clarithromycin 0.5 g.Bid.po,the Omeprazole 0.04g.qd.po,14 day/treatment course;(2) traditional Chinese medicine plan:Radix astragali 15 g,Bai Zhu 10g,root of herbaceous peony 10g,Poris cocos 10 g,salvia miltiorrhiza 10 g,Huang Qin 10g,is dried 10g,dried orange peel 10g,pinellia 6 g,Chinese goldthread rhizome 3g,licorice 6g,daily 1 time altogether 14 days.The control group give western medicine scheme treatment.The treatment group combine Chinese medicine scheme with western medicine scheme treatment.Results The application of applied Clarithromycin,Omeprazole and traditional Chinese medicine combined therapy Hp,combined with traditional treatment results show a H.p salvage therapy can increase the eradication rates,two groups of clinical curative effect comparison results show the difference between the contrast group with a statistical significance.(P0.05).Conclusion Using Clarithromycin,Omeprazole and traditional Chinese medicine combined therapy not only can obtain higher Hp eradication rate and improve the clinical symptoms,and has the good function of drug significantly reduced,patients side compliance increased Hp infection, refractory to eradicate have more choices
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control