为了建立水稻根系生长动态模型,实现根系可视化,该研究以两优108(Va1,杂交籼稻)、86优8(Va2,杂交粳稻)和南粳43(Va3,常规粳稻)为材料,采用塑料桶土培,设施肥(每盆N 3.6 g、P2O5 0.8 g、K2O 3.6 g),与不施肥(基土同施肥处理)两个水平,分析并建立水稻根系根长、根体积以及根表面积与根干重的最适关系模型。结果显示:根长、根体积及根表面积与根干重间的动态关系符合幂函数Y=axb;2008年根长、根体积及根表面积的模拟值与观测值的根均方差(RMSE)每株分别为358.138 1 cm、2.089 1 cm3和136.325 2 cm2,2009年的每株分别为42.993 7 cm、0.314 9 cm3和14.072 8 cm2,检验结果为该模型可靠性较好。表明所建水稻根系生长动态模型具有一定的解释性和通用性,为功能-结构水稻模型研究及水稻可视化奠定了基础,对水稻理想株型设计、结构与功能关系研究及水稻生长系统的可视化和数字化均有一定的参考价值。
To build the dynamic model for rice root system according to the geometry parameters and to achieve visualization of the root system in combination with computer graphics,three rice cultivars,Liangyou108(hybrid long-shaped rice,Va1),86you8(hybrid round-shaped rice,Va2) and Nanjing43(round-shaped rice,Va3),were planted in pots.There are two different levels of fertilizer: fertilizer(N 3.6 g,P2O5 0.8 g,K2O 3.6 g),and no fertilizer(with loamy soil).Based on the experimental observations,the relationships between the root dry weight and root length,root volume,and root surface area were analyzed,respectively.The power function Y=axb was showed to describe above relationships.The RMSEs between the simulation values and the observation values of the root length per plant,the root volume per plant,and the root surface area per plant were 358.138 1 cm,2.089 1 cm3,and 136.325 2 cm2 in 2008 respectively,and 42.993 7 cm,0.314 9 cm3,and 14.072 8 cm2 in 2009 respectively,which revealed that the model established was reliable,accountable and universal.This research would lay a basis for developing function-structure rice models.
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences