
城市经济的空间结构:居住、就业及衍生问题 被引量:32

Urban Spatial Structure: Housing, Jobs and Related Urban Issues
摘要 居住与就业的空间关系是企业和家庭空间选址和竞争的结果,决定了城市内部的空间结构形态。本文从城市土地利用要素的空间分布出发,回顾了城市空间结构的经典理论,探讨了居住与就业空间关系的外在表现和内在经济机制,特别是集聚经济和通勤成本这两个相反经济力量是如何相互作用以决定城市空间结构基本特征的。在此基础上,对当前备受关注的交通拥堵、环境污染、弱势群体就业障碍及住房问题等"城市病"的缘由和改善途径加以讨论。城市政策应对土地利用、交通和环境进行统筹考虑,并设计恰当的制度激励机制,使个体行为的外部性进行正确的"内部化",这可以提高城市效率和居民生活质量,改善环境影响并促进城市发展的可持续性。 The spatial relationship of jobs and housing in a city is the outcome of firms' and households' location choices and their interactions. This paper examines the spatial distributions of housing prices, land prices, jobs and population, and reviews the classic theories behind. The economic mechanism behind the spatial interaction of agglomeration economies and commuting cost is our focus. This paper also discusses the related policy issues such as traffic congestion, air pollution, employment problems and housing burdens for low-income households. Good urban policies should consider use of land, transportation and environment in an integrated framework, and internalize the externalities of individual behaviors correctly. Such good policies can help to improve urban efficiency and quality of life, and promote the sustainability of urban development.
作者 郑思齐 孙聪
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期18-31,共14页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(No.70603017和No.70973065)
关键词 城市空间结构 居住 就业 交通 Urban Spatial Structure Housing Jobs Transportation
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