
北方某城市再生水的原水水质特征调查 被引量:6

Investigation on the water quality characteristics of the raw water from recycled water in a city in northern China
摘要 城市污水处理厂二级出水可以作为城市非常规再生水的原水,经过深度处理后能够解决城市的缺水问题。对北方某城市再生水原水的水质特征进行了调查分析,结果表明,含碳指标(如CODCr,BOD5)基本满足GB18918—2002二级标准,但是色度、氮、磷、重金属、指示性病原菌等指标的污染水平不容忽视,在再生水处理工艺中需要特别关注;此外,缺乏再生水作为原水时相对应的标准,现有的城市污水厂二级出水排放标准与再生水利用标准相比,存在很多指标不一样或测试方法不一样等问题需要解决和协调。 The secondary effluent from a municipal sewage treatment plant can be used as unconventional and recycled raw water.The water shortage problem can be solved after the advanced treatment of it.The water quality characteristics of the recycled raw water in a northern city of China have been investigated and analyzed.The results show that the carbon-containing indexes(i.e.COD Cr and BOD 5) can basically meet the 2nd class requirements of the standard(GB 18918—2002),but the indexes of the polluted levels,such as chroma,nitrogen,phosphorus,heavy metals,and indicative pathogenic bacteria should not be neglected.Special attention should be paid to them in the recycled water treatment process.Furthermore,there has not been a corresponding standard for the recycled water when it is used as raw water.And,comparing the present discharge standard of secondary effluent water of municipal sewage with the standard of utilization of recycled water,the problems that many different indexes and different testing methods has existed needs to be solved and coordinated.
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期74-76,79,共4页 Industrial Water Treatment
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2008ZX07314-005) 中国第四十五批博士后基金项目(20090450057)
关键词 再生水原水 色度 金属指标 指示性病原菌 recycled raw water chroma nitrogen phosphorus metal indexes indicative pathogenic bacteria
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