
非小细胞肺癌靶向药物的开发研究进展 被引量:5

Progress in international development of the targeted therapies for NSCLC
摘要 根据美国药物研究与生产商协会(PhRMA)的报告和《新药数据库》等公布的信息,对目前国际上进入III期临床试验的16种非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)靶向新药进行分析。参照国内相关文献和美国国立癌症研究所对靶向药物的分类,将这16种新药分为EGFR靶向药物、VEGF靶向药物、多靶点抑制剂,新靶点抑制剂。经进一步分析和总结,进入III期临床试验的NSCLC靶向新药主要有以下3个特点:一是呈现多样化,多靶点抑制剂和新靶点抑制剂占87.5%;二是治疗性疫苗崭露头角,治疗性疫苗在未来几年内有可能成为抗NSCLC药物中的新成员;三是将已获得批准用于其他癌症的靶向药物用于治疗NSCLC的临床试验。说明国际制药公司充分利用现有资源开发出更多的抗NSCLC药物。 The report,New Medicines in Development for Cancer and the Medicines in Development Database,was issued in 2009 by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America(PhRMA).Based on this report,16 novel targeted therapies for non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) currently at phase III clinical trials are analyzed.Referring to the classification of the targeted cancer therapies in the related Chinese papers and in the Fact Sheet of the US National Cancer Institute,the 16 targeted therapies are classified into 4 types,namely EGFR inhibitors,VEGF inhibitors,multitargeted agents and novel targeted agents.With further analysis and conclusion,the 16 targeted therapies show 3 features:① They present a trend of diversifying development.Multitargeted agents and novel targeted agents account for 87.5%.② Therapeutic vaccines begin to show a promising future.They might be a new member of the targeted cancer therapies for NSCLC in the near future.③ Some targeted agents for NSCLC at phase III clinical trials are the approved targeted ones for other caners.It indicates that international pharmaceutical companies can take advantages of the resources available to develop more medicines for NSCLC.
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第16期1522-1529,共8页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 靶向药物 治疗性疫苗 临床试验 non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) targeted therapy therapeutic vaccine clinical trial
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