
员工社会网络特征对员工知识分享行为和绩效的影响——来自珠江三角洲某企业的案例研究 被引量:4

Impacts of Employee Social Network Characteristics on Knowledge Sharing and Performance——A Case Study on An Enterprise in Pearl River Delta
摘要 以某企业员工在整体社会网络中的结构特征和员工行为特征为研究对象,构建计量回归模型,分析员工在工作咨询网、工作讨论网、朋友网和电子邮件网的位置特征对员工的知识分享行为、任务绩效和关系绩效的影响.研究发现,员工知识分享行为受到员工咨询网程度中心度和个人IT能力的影响;员工的关系绩效受员工知识分享行为和员工IT能力的显著影响,而员工社会网络特征值对关系绩效的影响不显著;员工任务绩效受员工社会网络结构特征的显著影响,而员工的个人知识分享行为和IT能力对任务绩效没有显著影响.论文结论对国内企业通过员工社会网络结构的改善和优化来提升员工绩效具有积极的现实指导意义,同时,对传统经济学由于忽视经济个体所处的社会网络结构来解释经济个体行为所导致的研究局限做一个补充和拓展,以更好地解释现实. It studies the whole network structure of employee and the characteristics of employee behavior, modeling to analyze the impacts of employee social network characteristics on knowledge sharing behavior, task performance and contextual performance based on the personal positions in the networks of consultation, discussion, friendship and e- mail. It finds out that one's knowledge sharing behavior is significantly influenced by one's centrality degree in consulta- tion network and personal IT ability, and that the contextual performance is significantly influenced by one's knowledge sharing behavior and IT ability while one's social network position does not affect the contextual performance significant- ly, and that the task performance is significantly affected by one's social network position while one's knowledge sharing behavior and IT ability have no significant effects on task performance. The conclusion is guidable for enterprises to im- prove employee performance by modifying the structure of employee networks. Meanwhile, it is a complement to tradi- tional economics which has ignored individual's social networks when analyzing individual's economic behavior, and provides a new perspective to analyze the economic phenomenon.
作者 彭建平
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期1-10,123,共10页 R&D Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金资助项目"企业研发员工社会网络对员工知识分享行为和创新绩效的影响研究"(10YJA630124)
关键词 社会网络 知识分享 员工绩效 social network knowledge sharing employee performance
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