Network simplification is a powerful tool to analyze fluid network and it is also a significant improvement in computation speed of network algorithm. So far, the existing network simplification algo- rithm can not be well applied to large-scale and complex fluid net- works due to its poor efficiency, arising from recursive nature of.the old algorithm which gives easy end intuitive understandings but strict- ly conforms to the mathematical definition for network simplification. Based on the longest path method, an improvement in order to reduce search counts on traditional DFS algorithm was achieved through re- ducing child networks searching, calculating layer attributes of nodes in network, then imposing a max-search-counts limit on the extent of DFS algorithm. The conclusion could be easily drawn that there is no child network could be simplified between source and sink nodes, in case the search counts reach upper boundary. Edge sets and network type of child network can also be established through only two forward and backward search processes, eliminating inefficient deficiencies caused by pure mathematical calculation method. This algorithm would not try to compare all node pairs because it is much wastage of time on large-scale network. 0nly node whose outdegree or indegree is greater than two is selected as source or sink node, while the algo- rithm's judgment and comparison counts are greatly reduced for that strategy. In order to make the network simplification algorithm satis- fies the hierarchical requirements, a "from inside to outside" strategy was adopted. Network simplification was started from child network with the minimum vertical distance, then the child network was sim- plified to a virtual edge and the process was continued from lower node distance to higher. In this way, a hierarchical network simplifi- cation result is obtained while the process of network simplification al- gorithm has exhibited the characteristic of hierarchy as well. Finally, the developed network simplification was applied to a simple practical application and the result was compared with the old reference algo- rithm.
Journal of Safety and Environment
fundamentals of safety science and technology
network simplification
longest path
depth first search
simpli-fication hierarchy