
职业病网络报告存在的问题及对策 被引量:11

Current Problems and Solutions of the Direct Network Report System of Occupational Diseases
摘要 [目的]阐述职业病网络直报工作中存在的问题,并提出对策。[方法]以杭州市职业病危害因素监测信息责任报告单位及其报告数据为对象,对其2007—2009年职业病网络直报系统的报告卡填报与审核情况、网络直报质量调查评估工作等的完整性、准确性与及时性进行分析。[结果]2007—2009年杭州市共计报告、审核5种报告卡8 866张。其中,职业病报告卡的报告质量最好,其余4种报告卡均存在填报不完整、报告不准确和迟报现象;同时,职业病网络直报系统软件设置与管理工作也存在一些亟待解决的问题。[结论]职业病网络直报系统必须进一步完善软件设置,同时应切实提高管理水平,以有效提高报告的准确性和工作效率。 [ Objective ] To identifiy issues of the direct network report (DNR) system of occupational diseases and provide possible solutions. [ Methods ] All of the legal occupational disease reporting agencies in the period of 2007-2009 were selected. Information on occupational disease reporting via the DNR system, verification, and quality control were collected. Validity, integrity and timeliness of the reporting cards were also evaluated. [ Results ] All of the 8 866 reports in five categories were reviewed. The quality of the occupational diseases reporting was the best of all. Problems were found in validity, integrity and timeliness. Other issues related to the configuration and the management of the reporting software were noticed also. [ Conclusion ] This study suggested that the DNR system should be improved in terms of the software interface and the reporting management in order to improve the quality of reporting data and working efficiency.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第8期506-508,共3页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 职业病 网络报告 职业危害因素监测 occupational diseases: direct network report occupational hazards monitoring
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