
脊柱动力平衡(KKT)治疗慢性脊柱退行性疾病初步报告 被引量:2

Clinical outcomes of khan kinetic treatment for paitents with chronic spinal diseases
摘要 目的探讨脊柱动力平衡(Khan Kinetic Treatment,KKT)治疗慢性脊柱退行性疾病的临床疗效。方法对97例慢性脊柱退行性疾病者运用KKT技术进行治疗,1疗程5周,每周2次治疗。观察患者治疗前后临床症状及X线片的改变。结果治疗前后主要症状有显著改善者49例,改善42例,无改善6例,显效率50.5%,有效率93.8%。根据X线片表现的评价,有改善人数为65例,改善率为69.9%。结论 KKT对脊柱疾患有一定疗效。 Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of Khan Kinetic treatment(KKT) in patients with spinal diseases. Methods Totally 97patients with spinal diseases were treated by KKT twice every week.The treatment lasted for 5 weeks at least.The efficacy evaluation was based on clinical symptoms and X-ray signs.Results 49 patients had a significant improvement in clinical symptom after treatment.42 patients had an improvement in symptom and 6 patients had no improvement after treatment.The total cure rate was 93.8%and excellence was 50.5%.65 patients had an improvement in X-ray sign,and the improvement rate was 69.9%.Conclusion Khan Kinetic treatment has good effectiveness for patients with spinal diseases.
出处 《中国骨与关节外科》 2011年第3期197-200,共4页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
基金 北京市卫生局科技成果和适宜技术重点推广项目(TG2009-4)
关键词 脊柱动力平衡治疗 颈椎病 腰椎病 Khan Kinetic Treatment Cervical spondylosis Lumbarsacral spondylosis
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