
新型优化策略在青霉素间歇发酵过程中的应用研究 被引量:2

Study on New Optimal Strategy for Penicillin Batch Fermentation
摘要 基于全面关注间歇发酵过程中间状态的思想,提出由求解一系列端点时间不固定最优控制子问题形成的新型优化控制策略,并在优化目标函数中加入了菌体平均生长速率和流加时间间隔对发酵产量的影响因素。在此基础上提出基于遗传算法的最优控制策略实现算法,同时获得了最优流加时间间隔及相应的最优流加速率。将该方法在青霉素发酵过程进行仿真,将仿真结果与常规等级流加策略进行比较,验证了该方法的优势。 Considering the intermediate states of batch fermentation processes,an optimal control strategy which solving sub-problems of optimal control with unfixed endpoint time was proposed;and the impacts of both average specific growth rate and time interval of feed flow on desired yields were considered while optimizing the objective functions;and a method to establish optimal control strategy based on genetic algorithm was presented to obtain an optimal time interval of feed flow rate and a corresponding optimal flow rate.The proposed method was applied in penicillin fermentation and was compared with the conventional strategy.The simulation results show the high efficiency of this proposed one.
作者 孔超 李宏光
出处 《化工自动化及仪表》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期529-532,共4页 Control and Instruments in Chemical Industry
关键词 间歇发酵 优化控制 遗传算法 青霉素 batch fermentation optimal control genetic algorithm penicillin
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